TAG: Richard Nelson Bolles

1.1 Focus on your strengths

The key to success is to steer around your weaknesses and focus on your strengths as they are part of your innate success mechanism.

1.4 Evaluate work- and life experiences from the past

You break down your past jobs into their basic building blocks (i.e. your interests and skill sets), then rearrange those building blocks in new ways.

2.1 What do you instinctively feel drawn toward?

Your natural interests determine what you will actually do well, more so than your intelligence, talents or skills.

4.1 Design the path to your dream job.

Often your dream job is not something you can start right away, since you lack experience. However there are several steps you can take to get closer to it.

4.2 What professionals do you connect with naturally?

At a fictional party, people with the same interests have all gathered in the same corner of the room. Which corners would you go to?

5.2 What questions to expect during a job interview

In general, there are two things hiring managers are concerned about when they interview you. Make sure to emphasize these in your CV as well .